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Nestled in the vibrant community of Sycamore, IL, the Kishwaukee Valley Art League (KVAL) stands as a beacon for artists and art enthusiasts alike. Recently, Ron Hutter from Kunes CDJR of Sycamore's Regional Manager, took a spin in the 2023 Dodge Durango RT with Alec Rossiter of KVAL to dive deep into the essence of this thriving art community.
Alec Rossiter's path to KVAL began with a move from Arizona to Illinois. The search for a vibrant art community led Alec and his wife to one of KVAL's art shows. Captivated by the creativity and passion they witnessed, joining KVAL became an obvious choice. Even with little art experience, Alec discovered a passion for gourd art after retiring from teaching. This goes to show that it's never too late to discover one's artistic side!
The mission of KVAL is impressively wide-ranging and truly inspiring. The league welcomes artists and art enthusiasts from all walks of life, celebrating the rich tapestry of humanity through art. From traditionally underrepresented artists to works exploring diverse social, political, and cultural perspectives, KVAL is a place where art meets diversity in the most beautiful ways.
With a gallery that hosts monthly meetings and demonstrations by artists from across Northern Illinois, KVAL is a hub of artistic activity. The league's highlight event, the Northern Illinois Art Show, now in its 53rd year, attracts artists and visitors in droves. But KVAL's commitment to art doesn't stop at adults; free summer art classes for kids and support for local artists underscore the league's dedication to fostering a love for art in the community.
Since Alec and his wife joined KVAL, membership has surged from 40 to 166 members. This growth reflects the welcoming atmosphere and the array of experienced artists in fields like painting, photography, and sculpture, ready to share their knowledge and skills.
KVAL's engagement with the community extends to collaborations with the Sycamore Chamber of Commerce and partnerships that bring art into the public eye, like the one with OC Creative.
Moreover, KVAL's philanthropy shines through its support for young artists and donations of art supplies to nonprofit organizations, demonstrating a commitment to nurturing talent and giving back to the community.
For those inspired to become a part of this vibrant art community, KVAL makes joining easy. Prospective members can sign up through the KVAL website or in person at the gallery.
As part of Sycamore's Beautification Committee, Alec is also involved in bringing murals to life in the city, offering a chance for local volunteers to leave their mark on the community.
KVAL keeps its finger on the pulse of the art world, from traditional forms to emerging trends like digital and video art. This adaptability ensures that KVAL remains a dynamic force in the art community, encouraging creativity and innovation among its members.
The lifeblood of KVAL is its members and supporters. With a need for marketing expertise and grant funding, there are numerous ways to contribute to the league's success.
Donations and corporate sponsorships are especially welcome, helping to sustain and grow KVAL's impact in the art world.
As Kunes Auto Group continues to support local initiatives like the Kishwaukee Valley Art League, we invite you to explore and engage with the art that surrounds us. Whether through membership, volunteerism, or sponsorship, your involvement can make a significant difference in the vibrant tapestry of our community's artistic landscape.
Discover the soul of Sycamore's art scene with KVAL and experience how art truly feeds the soul.
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